There are certainly a few oddities in Skull and Bones. One, in particular, might surprise you, since it’s a terrifying creature from the depths. Here’s our guide on how to get the Monstrous Tooth from the Sea Monster in Skull and Bones.
How to defeat the Sea Monster to get Monstrous Tooth in Skull and Bones
You can defeat the Kuharibu Sea Monster by dealing as much damage as you can, while also bracing when it’s about to ram your ship. Here’s a quick summary:
- The Skull and Bones Sea Monster is part of a quest called From the Deeps.
- You can get this quest from the Sea People Huntmaster NPC in the outpost of Lanitra, which is north of the Sainte-Anne pirate haven.
- From there, keep going northwest to the Western Basin. Make sure you disembark at the outpost of Ile Michel, which can act as a fast travel point/respawn point.
The Kuharibu Sea Monster encounter
If you really want to get Monstrous Tooth in Skull and Bones, then you have to sail just north of Ile Michel to find the Kuharibu. It’s a bit hard to spot since it’s underwater, but you might see it attacking other ships in the area.
In any case, this gargantuan beast only has one attack: it swims straight toward your ship and rams you. This ability deals a lot of damage, so much so that low-tier vessels probably won’t survive a single hit.
We recommend doing the following:
- The most important tip is that you should always brace when the creature is approaching your ship. This is the only way to mitigate the devastating damage from its ramming attack.
- You should unlock the Padewakang ship, which has higher HP, tougher defenses, and more weapon slots.
- Bring a bunch of provisions for ship repairs, as well as stamina restoration/brace mitigation.
- If you’re with a buddy, have a player with a tanky ship hold aggro while bracing. Another teammate just deals damage from afar (i.e. bombards, ballistae, or culverins).
- If you’re soloing, it’s possible that the Kuharibu gets distracted when AI-controlled vessels are patrolling nearby waters. Use this time to blast it from a distance.
Sea Monster and Monstrous Tooth rewards
Once you’ve managed to slay the Kuharibu, you’ll receive various goodies like the Kuharibu’s Eye, which is used to complete the aforementioned From the Deeps quest. Moreover, you’ll obtain Monstrous Tooth, a currency used to purchase items from the Huntmaster NPC in Lanitra. Here are some rewards that you can grab:
- Mysterious Chest – Contains random loot and materials; costs 50x Monstrous Tooth.
- Beast Hunter’s outfit set – Accessories and clothing for your character; costs 10 to 20 Monstrous Tooth.
- Great Springald III (blueprint) – A high-tier ballista weapon; costs 30x Monstrous Tooth.
- Ouroboros (blueprint) – A unique armor for your ship; costs 50x Monstrous Tooth.
This is how you beat the Sea Monster to acquire Monstrous Tooth in Skull and Bones. Don’t forget that you can still slay this beast over and over whenever it respawns, or later as part of a contract once you’ve reached Kingpin rank. You may then continue amassing even more Monstrous Tooth currency. Likewise, this isn’t the only peculiar high-value target that you’d encounter in the game. There’s also the Maangodin Ghost Ship in the Southern Basin.
Skull and Bones is an open-world adventure game where you sail the high seas in the hopes of becoming a pirate lord. To learn more about various mechanics and features, you can check our guides hub.